Makeup, Fashion, Hair...from my multicultural point of view..

Monday, April 23, 2012


So I have officially done it....CREATED MY VERY OWN BLOG!!!...*yay*....

I must say I am very am free to voice my opinion on the things that I like..MAKEUP, HAIR, FASHION..can a girl ask for anything more..wait don't answer that!!!!...

But yes I am ready to rock with this, I'm planning on getting down into makeup products, events, some looks, behind the scenes madness....
Talk about hair... for those of you who don't already know I am a HAIR EXTENSION JUNKIE!!! so we gonna get into that and then some....
Fashion..what's trending...what I like...where I shop...gonna see if we can get to meet some designers from my neck of the woods, TRINIDAD and who knows maybe some Regionally and Internationally known ones as well......

Overall I am super pumped and really want you to take this amazing journey with me....SO LET'S GO!!!

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