Makeup, Fashion, Hair...from my multicultural point of view..

Thursday, April 26, 2012


So we are seeing that the full, nicely shaped, natural brows are back....*big hurrayyyy* my opinion nothing looks more sexier than a well groomed eyebrow, it lifts the face and brings the look together..Absolutely gorgeous for the season....

....But of late we have been seeing the rise of  'The Scouse Brow'...What is this you ask???..


BRIEF HISTORY:  The Scouse Brow was originated in Liverpool, England by a popular reality tv show called 'Desperate Scousewives'..*blink blink* yes the show is real...where the women on the show had eyebrows that were stencilled in with a shade that was much darker than their natural hair colour, and was very thick (three most important traits of The Scouse Brow)......

Cassie from the show Desperate Scousewives sporting the Scouse Brow

And so somehow this has caught the attention of the fashion world because we have been seeing adaptations on the runway for Fashion Week and other runway shows recently....

Altuzarra Spring 2012' Collection

Altuzarra Spring 2012' Collection

........And now the look has been tweaked for everyday wear...These celebs have been rumoured to have fallen in love with the look..
Kate Middleton on her wedding day, and now you can almost always see her with the look

 Actress Camilla Belle sporting her version 

Cara Delevingne, London-based model and face of Burberry showing off her Scouse Brows..

So there you have it ladies and gents brows are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so whether you wanna go "EL NATURALE" or "SCOUSE IT UP - THE UPDATED VERSION" is all up to you...

So go on out..grab some brow powder, brow pencils or brow gel and experiment a bit with your all about having fun and trying something new...



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes I am totally growing my brows back right now as well and it is a process..I have mixed feelings on the Scouse Brow I think it will work with some but not all and I also think it is more for show than for everyday fashion use... but girl I am definitely all for a well groomed natural brow Yay on that one..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh my gosh, I got excited reading this, because as of this year I've been in the process of growing back my eyebrows, so I can totally say *yay* with you on the fact that the 'brooke shields' look is probably back. Now my eyebrows, in its natural state, is naturally wild, so even though I've grown it out, it's still being groomed (few plucks here and there to keep it nice). I've known there was an actual name for that 'thick penciled' eyebrow trend we've been seeing, wow! lol In some cases, some do it good, but others go a bit wee too dark. What are your thoughts on it? Yay or Nay?

    1. LOL!!!! i just replied above to your comment...somehow it got deleted

    2. Oh shucks, sorry I was editing my profile before I commented lol

  4. And I guess gone are the days of horribly thin eyebrows too....

    1. Yep and I am loving it!!!Long live the eyebrow!!
